The Motor Circuit Designer sizes motor branch circuits and feeders with several motors. It also sizes the overload protection and overcurrent protection of these circuits. The design is done in accordance with the 2017 National Electric Code (NEC). It covers single-phase, squirrel cage, synchronous, wound rotor and direct current motors.
The parameters required are:
The voltage of the branch circuit or feeder
The type of motor
The rating of the motor in horsepower
The length of the branch circuit or feeder
The maximum voltage drop that can be tolerated on the branch circuit or feeder, expressed as voltage or as a percentage of circuit voltage
The type of fuse or circuit breaker
The overload criteria
The outputs are:
The full load current
The conductor design current
The minimum conductor size required, in AWGMCM or mm2
The voltage drop expressed in both Volts and as a percentage
The minimum and maximum size of the overload protection required
The size of the overcurrent protection required
The minimum size of the disconnecting means that is required
It also indicates the articles or the tables in the NEC code that was used to determine these values.